Thursday 7 March 2013

Swimming Sports

What a fantastic afternoon for Swimming Sports! I am so proud of all your hard work in swimming this term, you have all improved so much. Well done Room 2!! Thanks to all the parents who came to support!


  1. Well it looks like you all had a lot of fun!!! Sorry I could not make it this year. You were all lucky to get better weather than the seniors did. Keep up all the great work room 2.

  2. I am glad it was a sunny day. I was very impressed with everyones great swimming and watching you all try your very best.
    Mrs Emmett

  3. Room 5 could hear all the noisy cheering from our classroom - it sounded like you were having heaps of fun!

  4. I was very impressed with all of your swimming. You have improved so much since last year. I can tell you have all been practising very hard.
