How to leave a comment on our blog

How to leave a comment on our blog

How to leave a comment on this blog
1 Click ‘comments’ link which will be directly under each post
2 Type your comment into the ‘Post a Comment’ box.
3 In the ‘Comment as’ menu, select ‘Name/URL’
4 Write your name in the ‘Name’ section. Please refer to yourself as Mrs/Mr/Miss Jones.
5 Click ‘continue’
6 Click ‘Post Comment’
7 A yellow box should appear saying, ‘Your comment will be visible after approval.’ You may have to click the ‘Post Comment’ button several times.
8 Your comments will appear once teachers have edited them

1 comment:

  1. Dear All

    A belated thank you for allowing me to join you on Pets Days. I had never been to a Pets Day before and had a fantastic time. I was very impressed at how well the pets behaved and how everyone looked after them. We do not have anything like this in England at the school where my neices attend. Thank you all once again for making so welcome at your school. Its a great place and you should be so proud of yourselves. Love from Lesley Cable ( Anabel Staces's cousin from England).x
