Tuesday 26 February 2013

Marae visit

This term we are going to be learning about Maoritanga. Today we all visited Taumata o te Ra marae in Halcombe.
We learnt:
·        You have to be welcomed onto a marae
·        Girls walk in first but sit at the back
·        Boys walk in second but sit at the front
·        You need to take your shoes off when going into the wharenui
·        Some of the carvings show the families connected to the marae  
·        How to hongi when you are greeting someone
When we left the girls were given a flax flower to remember the trip



  1. The flowers look really cool, have any of you made them? they are really fun to make!!!

  2. wow! what a wonderful experience room 2, to learn about Maoritanga. Thanks to the teachers for organising such a cool trip

  3. Wow you are very lucky to have had such a wonderful experience. its a special thing to go into a maree, I bet it was great to be able to see a place that relates to everything you are learning. What was your favourte part of the visit?

  4. Sounds like you had a great trip to the marae Room 2. I know my class enjoyed it too! I love the word cloud you have made with key words to summarise your trip. What a clever idea!
