Tuesday 26 February 2013

Marae visit

This term we are going to be learning about Maoritanga. Today we all visited Taumata o te Ra marae in Halcombe.
We learnt:
·        You have to be welcomed onto a marae
·        Girls walk in first but sit at the back
·        Boys walk in second but sit at the front
·        You need to take your shoes off when going into the wharenui
·        Some of the carvings show the families connected to the marae  
·        How to hongi when you are greeting someone
When we left the girls were given a flax flower to remember the trip


Thursday 21 February 2013

Buddy Writing

Today we had Buddy Writing. One of us was the writer and the other was the storyteller. We worked together on a piece of writing and then shared it with the class. This was lots of fun and we wrote amazing stories. Miss McCartin was so happy to see us helping each other to become better writers.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Buddy Class

Our big buddies in Room 5 helped us with our swimming today. Afterwards we got to have a free swim. It was great fun after such a hot day!!


Monday 18 February 2013


Today was the first of several cricket lessons we're having at school. This is a great opportunity for us to improve our ball skills and understanding of cricket. We had heaps of fun!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Maori Art

Check out our awesome art work. We learnt that the Koru represents the fern frond as it opens bringing new life and peace. The Twist represents life, love and eternity. The Hei- Matau (fish hooks) represent strength and a great respect for the sea. They also give good luck and safety when traveling over the water.

Thursday 7 February 2013


We planted our vegetable garden today. We can’t wait for it to grow so we can eat our yummy Cabbage, Broccoli, Lettuce, Carrots and Silver beet. It was a great day to be out gardening!

Wednesday 6 February 2013


We have had a fantastic start to swimming this year! Our confidence is growing and we are learning lots of new techniques to help us become better swimmers.