Monday 9 December 2013

Prize Giving

Well done to everyone who received an award at Prize Giving and to all the students for another fantastic year!!

This blog is now closed for the school year. We have enjoyed sharing our learning with you. 

 Thanks for all your support over the year parents. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday with your children!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

We had a great Athletics Day! Thanks for coming to watch parents!!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Farm Trip

We had an awesome time at the McIntyre’s Dairy Farm today! When we arrived we fed the calves their milk. After walking around the dairy shed and learning all about how it works we got to be ‘cows’ and go around on the rotating belt. This is where the cows walk on and as they go around they get milked. It was then time to do our quiz and answer questions about things we had learnt. Later on we walked to the forest where there was a letter treasure hunt. Once we had found all 21 letters we had to figure out what the sentence said. We had so much fun and learnt lots about where our milk comes from. A huge thank you to Richard and Emma McIntyre for having us at their farm and to our wonderful parents, Miss Fryer, Mrs Lankshear, Mrs Poulsen and Mrs Watkins for coming along to help!


Thursday 14 November 2013

We have finally moved into our new, beautiful, fantastic classroom! We love it!


Thursday 7 November 2013

We had the ‘Milk carton folding’ competition today! We battled it out against Room 3 children for the fastest folder! Well done to Jasmine, Connor and Josh who got into the finals for our class and to Holly who won! Afterwards we had the Interhouse Tug of War competition. We watched as the seniors competed against each other, then we got a turn!


Wednesday 6 November 2013


As part of our unit on ‘Firewise’ we had two Firemen from the Halcombe Fire Brigade come and talk to us about what we have been learning.

They reminded us that,

·         matches and lighters are tools not toys and are only for adults to use
·         If there is a fire you need to ‘Get down, Get low, Get out and shout FIRE, FIRE FIRE’!
·         It’s important to get low because the smoke is poisonous and you can’t see through it so   you must get out quickly
·         Everyone should have a safe meeting place at home in the event of a fire
·         It’s important we get ourselves out and not our pets or toys (the firemen will do that)
·         Only adults light fires
·         Everyone should regularly check their smoke alarms

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Buddy Class

We had a ‘Technology Challenge’ today for Buddy Class. We were put into teams of four and had to design an outfit for a model. We only had 10 full sheets of newspaper, sticky tape, scissors and a stapler. We could only use the materials given and the model had to be able to parade on the catwalk. We were judged on the style and fit of the ‘clothes’ and to a lesser extent their ability to survive the modelling session!!


Monday 4 November 2013

Throughout the year, many students from our school have been collecting yummy stickers. Mrs Otter gathered them all up and sent them off to get counted. In return we get FREE sports gear! This year we asked for touch balls and cones. Thank you to the students who collected stickers and to Mrs Otter for organising the whole thing!

Here is a photo of our top six collectors:

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Cross Country

We had a beautiful sunny afternoon for Cross Country today! It was great to see everyone running and trying their hardest! Well done!  

Sunday 20 October 2013


What a fantastic Pet Day we had today!
There were a range of pets from lambs, chickens, calves, horses, dogs and cats. While some children showed off their pets, others created awesome Sand Saucer Farms. Our 3D flowers were also on display. Thanks for coming along parents!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

New Room

The builders have been very busy renovating our classroom while we have relocated to the library. Check out the transformation. We can’t wait to see it finished!


Tuesday 15 October 2013


Pet day is next Monday the 21st of October.

For children not bringing pets:

Our activity, to be made on the day, is a rural themed ‘Sand Saucer’. Sand will be provided. Could you please help your child to organise the following to ensure they can join in the fun:
• An old baking tray or oven tray
• Flowers and leaves
• Buttons, feathers, toothpicks, cotton buds, farm animal toys or other small objects to make your sand saucer farm!

Thank you :)

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Let us entertain you

Last night we had our “Let us entertain you” production. What a fantastic night full of acting, singing and dancing! It has been lots of fun learning through the arts this term, being creative and understanding what it is like to be an entertainer! Our class had a great time performing our version of “We’ve got talent”. We had everything from hip-hoping dancers to mean judges. The best part was entertaining our friends and families! Thank you so much for coming along to watch us!

Sunday 15 September 2013

We are practicing so hard and getting really excited for our show next week! See you there at 6pm!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

3D Flowers

The 'Watermelons' reading group found a fun 3D art activity for us do to out of their Junior Journal! It was a bit tricky folding the paper to make the petals but we got there in the end.
Check them out!


Monday 2 September 2013

Chocolate Money

Look what we got with our chocolate money! Pillows for our couch, talking tins to help us with writing, thesauruses and some wet lunchtime games! Thank you to everyone who supported us in the chocolate fundraiser!

Thursday 29 August 2013

Today we used QR Codes in maths! It was great fun scanning the codes and then seeing what tricky maths questions would come up for us to answer in our groups! If you have this app, scan below and see what you get…

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Yellow Day

We had so much fun dressing up for Daffodil Day! Well done to Jack and Brooklyn who won best dressed for our class!

Sunday 25 August 2013


We had a great Junior Art Day today. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 7 were put into mixed groups and rotated around four different art activities. We had lots of fun working with ink, dye, pastels, water colours and paper! Thanks parent helpers, we couldn’t have done it without you!!

Tuesday 20 August 2013


Today we had the Junior Speech Competition! For this competition we were focusing on speaking slowly and clearly, standing still and making eye contact with our audience. Well done to everyone for such fantastic speeches! Jasmine, Dylan and Connor got into the finals for our class. Congratulations Jasmine, Fritha and Hilton who were the winners overall.  

Monday 19 August 2013


What a beautiful day to plant our class garden! We can’t wait for our Carrots, Broccoli and Cauliflower to start growing!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Today we watched a play called ‘The Pond’. There was an important message in this play about keeping the ponds clean so the animals and the plants are able to live there. It was very funny and we really enjoyed watching it!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Maths Week

We are having a great maths week in Room 2! We have had tricky brain teasers day, a class quiz and a maths trail with Room 3. It has been great fun getting out and discovering that maths is all around us!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Today we had the ‘Play House’ theatre group come and perform The Big Sad Wolf. We had lots of laughs and thought they were very talented actors!

Thursday 1 August 2013


To kick off our creativity unit this term we did some sand art. After watching an amazing video of sand art we were very inspired to try it ourselves!